Marketing Campaign Module
Leverage TradeNet eCatalogue product data to generate electronic and hardcopy marketing material from your browser.

Develop brochures and flyers within TradeNet without having to load images, copy and paste text or manage pricing. Simply drag and drop products from your electronic catalogue complete with associated information and pricing. Control templates to ensure your members brand and style guides are adhered to.

  • Manage unlimited contacts
    Create and manage templates to ensure branding is accurate and consistent
  • Populate once, use everywhere
    Create 1, 2 and 4 page documents using pre-defined templates
  • Manage multiple data points
    Access product data and images directly from TradeNet eCatalogue
  • Keep track of meetings and events
    Generate full colour brochures and member store pricing tickets
  • Users can manage their own data
    Allow members to manage their own in-store marketing without an agency
  • CRM Photo Gallery
    Export low resolution PDF’s for eDM’s or invoices and high resolution for hardcopy print
Contact us today to arrange a free demonstration.