Electronic Catalogue Module
Build an easy to use electronic catalogue for users to quickly find products, resources and location or tier based pricing.

TradeNet’s eCatalogue module allows your group to build a vast repository of product information, images and related content to deliver more value for members. eCatalogue data can be accessed by members via API and CSV download for loading directly into their own ERP/POS system.

Define your own category tree, ranging classifications and more to become your groups "Source of Truth" for product data.

Members can reduce labour and time managing price files directly with the supplier and know that TradeNet contains the most recent and up-to-date important information.

Accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, TradeNet assists your member services team by reducing telephone or email based member queries and builds trust as your groups “Source of Truth“.

Unlimited Products
Easy to search and filter
Customisable Permissions
Access via API or CSV
Unlimited products, information, images and resources.

With over 100 fields of available information, TradeNet can consume, organise and present data to your members logically and quickly, complete with images, detailed product information, weights and measures and associated resources.

Easy to use filtering and full-text searching to find products quickly.

Every field contained in the TradeNet database is indexed and searchable, providing your members the fastest method to find information when they need it. Whether they are ranging a new store, or looking for a very specific product from a supplier, TradeNet eCatalogue contains the right information, at the right time.

Customise product permissions and pricing by product and location.

Product information and pricing can be managed down to the location level, ensuring pricing is relevant to a specific store or geographic region. Each product can have unlimited pricing points, providing the supplier options to reward high volume stores with better pricing and incentive to remain loyal.

Allow members access to product data directly via API or CSV downloads.

Catalogue data and associated resources can be downloaded by supplier, through searching for products or filtering the data set. Files can be directly downloaded in Excel CSV format or alternatively, configured to automatically download via API directly into the members ERP/POS system for processing.

Contact us today to arrange a free demonstration.